How can I use the season of Lent to grow closer to Jesus? What does God want to reveal to me through His Word? How will I prepare my heart to welcome Christ more fully this Easter season?
Small Christian Communities (SCC) gather once a week for the six weeks of Lent with groups of approximately 8-12 people to pray, share, and learn.
SCC groups will begin meeting during the week of March 2nd, which is the week prior to the 1st Sunday of Lent. Participants will be placed in groups based on their day and time preferences at a location/home in or near their neighborhood communities when possible based on group availability.
A prepared resource booklet will be provided for each participant. A pre-designated member of the group will facilitate the SCC gatherings. There is no charge to participate in SCC, however, an optional donation to cover the cost of materials is suggested.
Small Christian Communities provide a great opportunity to make Lent a time to grow spiritually by exploring the Sunday Scripture readings while getting acquainted with other parishioners.
Questions? Contact Dan or Kathy Berger, SCC Coordinators, at 602-399-4405 or
Choose one of the following options to register for SCC: