Religious Education & Sacrament Prep

Welcome to Religious Education at St. Clare! Catechesis classes are available for children from Kindergarten until 11th Grade. There is an exception for 12th Grade Seniors who only need Confirmation and/or First Eucharist, but have previously been baptized and received the Sacrament of Confession.

Sacramental Preparation

All children must be baptized, or preparing to receive the Sacrament of Baptism in order to be in the Religious Education classes. If your child is under the age of seven and has not yet been baptized, please sign them up for Baptism Classes with Joe Lukaszewski ( or 623-975-5612).

The Diocese of Phoenix follows the Restored Order, which calls for a two-year Sacramental Preparation period. This parallels more closely how the Early Church prepared for Sacraments. Sacramental Preparation begins in second grade with preparation for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. All children must receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation before proceeding to The Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist. Children begin to prepare for the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist once they have completed the Sacrament of Reconciliation, typically in the third grade.


Often called “Sunday School,” Catechesis is where children learn the foundations of our faith and what the Church teaches! For children who have not yet reached the Age of Reason (normally age 7), we offer Kindergarten-1st Grade Catechesis. For children who have received their Sacraments and would like to continue their faith-filled learning journey, we offer Continuing Catechesis for grades 4-6.

First Reconciliation Preparation

For children who have been baptized and have reached the Age of Reason (age 7), we offer preparation classes for First Reconciliation/First Confession. Children in our First Reconciliation class learn the teachings of the Church more fully in order to be able to understand the depth, breadth, and mystery of the vital Sacrament of Reconciliation so they are able to confidently make a meaningful First Reconciliation. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is God’s gift to us so that any sin committed after Baptism can be forgiven! In confession, we have the opportunity to repent and recover the grace of friendship with God.  We offer First Reconciliation courses in the following grades:

  • 2nd-3rd
  • 4th-5th
  • 6th-8th
  • 9th-12th

Confirmation and First Eucharist Preparation

For children who have been baptized and completed their First Reconciliation. Children in the Confirmation/First Eucharist Preparation classes learn how the Sacrament of Confirmation deepens our baptismal life and fully initiates us as members of the Body of Christ. They also learn about the importance of the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the mystery of transubstantiation, which is the idea that the bread and wine become the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. This is a core tenet of our Faith; the Catholic Church teaches that the “Eucharist is the ‘source and summit of the Christian life.’” We offer Confirmation and First Eucharist courses in the following grades:

  • 3rd
  • 4th-5th
  • 6th-8th
  • 9th-12th

Sacramental Celebrations

The celebration of your child’s First Reconciliation will typically be in February and/or early March. 2025 First Reconciliation dates are still TBA. There is a required First Reconciliation Retreat, which will be announced as soon as possible.

Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist Celebration:
Each year we offer 3 days and times to the Diocese of Phoenix. They contact the Vicar Priest, who will confer the Sacraments, and coordinate a date. The date for 2024 Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist is TBD.


Classes begin in September and run until the end of May. We follow the Dysart School District Schedule. There are no classes on:

  • Dysart School Fall Break
  • Veteran’s Day
  • Christmas Break
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • President’s Day
  • Dysart School Spring Break
  • Diocese of Phoenix’s Easter Break

Class Day and Times

There is a mandatory parent meeting in the Modular Social Hall on Wednesday, August 28th at 5pm OR Wednesday, September 4th at 5pm. The first day of classes for the 2024-2025 year will take place on Wednesday, September 18th in the Modular Social Hall at either 4:00-5:30pm or 6:00-7:30pm. We follow the Dysart School District break schedule.


Registration for our Religious Education program is open from July 8th to August 1st. All registration forms and Religious Education program fees are due on or before August 1st. When submitting y our registration form to the parish office, please include a copy of your child's baptism certificate (even if your child was baptized at St. Clare of Assisi). If your child is over the age of 7 and has not yet been baptized, please include a copy of their birth certificate. If your child has an IEP/504/SSP or other individualized education or behavior management plan, please include a copy. If your child has special needs, like ASD or ADHD, please include a copy of their diagnostic paperwork. If your student has special needs, please contact Director of Religious Education, Sarah Camplese.

Registration forms may be downloaded and printed using the button below. Fees may be paid online using the button below, titled "Pay RE Fees Here." Fees may also be paid with cash or check in the parish office.

There is a mandatory parent meeting on Wednesday, August 28 at 5pm in the Modular Social Hall OR Wednesday, September 4 at 5pm in the Modular Social Hall.