Social Ministries

Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Catholic Daughters of the Americas, like the Knights of Columbus, is a national organization. St. Clare of Assisi Court #2677 is one of many courts throughout the country whose members participate in religious, charitable and educational Apostolates of the Church.

Our Court engages in creative and spiritual programs, which provide its members with opportunities to develop their special God-given talents for the benefit of the Church and people throughout the world. We strive to embrace our mission through unity and charity. We meet in the Parish Hall on the first Saturday of the month, September through May.

Contact us at if you wish to learn more about Catholic Daughters. We can also accept Zelle donations through our email address!

Catholic Men's Fellowship

Catholic Men's Fellowship

We provide an opportunity for the men in our parish to grow in relationship with God and families. Our meetings promote fellowship, spiritual enrichment, faith education and formation in Catholic traditions and values. We meet September through May on Saturday mornings from 7:00-8:30am in the Parish Hall. We begin our meetings with fellowship over coffee & donuts, followed by a DVD presentation and discussion. We provide physical and spiritual sustenance!

Please contact Bill Canavan at or John Burke at

Knights of Columbus 4th Degree: San Juan Diego Assembly #2836

Knights of Columbus Council #12851

Our Knights of Columbus Council #12851 is a Catholic, fraternal organization who are dedicated to promoting educational, charitable, religious, and social works. They fundraise for local charities, our parish, and address the needs of the community through works of mutual aid and assistance! Our Order’s basic core values are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism! The Knights of Columbus is open to all practical, Catholic men aged 18 and up.

For more information, contact Grand Knight John T. Lortie at 480-286-2000 or

Knights of Columbus 4th Degree: San Juan Diego Assembly #2836

Knights of Columbus 4th Degree: San Juan Diego Assembly #2836

The Knights of Columbus 4th Degree is the final degree of our order. You will see us in our distinct regalia acting as honor guard, color corps, standing in uniform out of respect for deceased Brothers, and we are dedicated to outreach to veterans, First Responders, and members of our Military.

We embody the fourth principle of the Knights of Columbus: Patriotism. We have the honor of being titled “Sir Knight” and we put faith in action for God, community, and country. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Sun City West at 7:00pm.

For questions, please contact Faithful Navigator, Joseph Wierzbinski at 602-818-7055 or

Mary's Mantle

Mary's Mantle

Mary is the ultimate example of motherhood, humility, maternal love, and willingness to say “Yes!” to God. That’s why we chose to take up her mantle! Mary’s Mantle is a group of Catholic moms who try to live our lives in faith, holiness, humility, love for God, and love for our families. If you are currently pregnant, newly postpartum, or in the thick of child rearing, we invite you to join us. We meet one Saturday a month at 1pm and we typically choose a date in our GroupMe group chat. Click here to join our GroupMe for the next meeting date and what we’ll be doing at our gathering! Come ask your questions, get advice or support, and blossom in motherhood with the support of other moms! Whether this is your 1st baby or your 4th, we are better together. Mary, perfect example of motherhood, pray for us!

We intend to provide on-site childcare for 2s and older, with the help of our young ladies’ ministry, the Sorority of Lisieux, as well as members of our Walking With Moms In Need ministry. Please contact Kaitlynn Eaton to determine if childcare will be available: or call (623) 975-5602.

Nomad AA

Nomad AA

Recovering from alcohol addiction is a lifelong journey, which is why this substance use disorder is often treated using a combination of therapies. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is one resource to help people become and stay sober and is available nearly worldwide.

Whether you recently finished an alcohol rehab program, are seeking the right treatment for you, or are in traditional therapy and could use more support, AA may be a beneficial support as you start your journey to long-term recovery.

We are an “open” group of members who mostly have extended lengths of sobriety – we welcome newcomers and offer our support, wisdom, and advice to those wishing to journey to sobriety and remaining sober. We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30am-1:30pm in the Parish Hall.

Please contact Wesley Ritchie at 858-220-4916 with questions.

Rosary Makers

Rosary Makers

Rosary Makers is a group of joyful, faith-filled Catholics (men and women!) who enjoy getting together and creating rosaries for personal use or to give as gifts for Baptisms or other Sacraments. We also have a “Rosary Repair Shop” where members of our Rosary Makers take your broken rosaries and bring them back to life! Rosary Repairs are provided at no cost to you.

We meet on Fridays from 1:00-3:00pm in the modular office building, right next to the Hall.

If you like to craft, if you used to make jewelry and want to pivot to a new craft, or if you want to learn how to make your own rosary, please contact Chris Haak at 262-215-1839 or

Women's Guild

Women's Guild

The St. Clare of Assisi Women’s Guild is the parish’s women’s group that provides a social and outreach outlet for our parish women. We do fun events, like the Women’s Guild Tea, the annual Fashion Show, the Craft Bazaar, and the annual Rummage Sale. Funds raised go to benefit our parish and the greater community. Are you craving fellowship with other faithful, Catholic women? Join us! We will be happy to utilize your time and talents, wherever they may be! We meet the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Modular Hall from 6:30pm to 8pm. Join us for our pre-meeting social at 6pm!

For further information, please contact the Women's Guild President, Margie Buckner, at 707-365-6429 or