The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults process (OCIA) is a process for Adults 18+, who are seeking to inquire about the Catholic Faith, or are in need of Sacraments. During this process, the adults learn about who God is, what is the Catholic Church, and what it means to be Catholic. We delve into each of the Seven Sacraments, and the basics of the Catholic Faith.

There are two processes within OCIA. A Catechumenate is one who has never been baptized and is now seeking Baptism. A Candidate has been baptized but is now seeking full initiation into the Church. This can include receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation, Confession, and First Holy Eucharist.

Each week will include about an hour lesson by a team member. We end with small group discussion afterwards. This allows the Candidates and Catechumenates to ask any questions, or share their thoughts and experiences with the group.

The summation of the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults process is the Easter Vigil.  This where the Catechumenates are baptized. They will also receive the Sacraments of Confirmation, First Holy Eucharist, and a profession of Faith. The Candidates, depending upon their Sacramental needs, will also make their Sacraments (Confirmation, and The Holy Eucharist) and/or Profession of Faith.

We look forward to journeying with you!


Are you already a fully initiated Catholic but want to spend more time taking a deep-dive into the Faith, what the Church “really” teaches, or want to deepen your relationship with Christ? Join the Catechumenates and Candidates as a Learner! We warmly welcome all Learners as they journey to a fuller understanding of the Church and the Faith.

Meeting Day & Time

We meet once a week in the Modular Social Hall, which can be found at the southwest corner of our campus, on Mondays at 6:00pm starting September 30, 2024. There is no fee. Please just come with an open mind and heart to receive the teachings of the Church, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and see how He can work in your life.


We will begin registration for our 2024-2025 classes on August 1, 2024.

Register Today!