Almost There!

12-19-2021Weekly ReflectionFr Nicholas Koro, A.J.

On this fourth and last Sunday of advent before the great celebration of Christmas, we light the fourth candle of the Advent wreath called “Angel’s Candle”. This reminds us of the angels message that Jesus came to bring peace to our hearts and to our world.

Yes, after living through some tough times of the Corona virus pandemic, with fear, anxiety and uncertainties, it is another God’s acceptable time to trust deeper in Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace and the source of true peace.

As we march towards the end of the year of the Lord 2021, let us thank God for His abundant graces, goodness and blessings, especially for keeping us safe and sound, and for enabling us to come to the conclusion of the year.

As we prepare to crown the Advent observances with the feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ during Christmas, let us prepare our hearts and lives to receive the Savior worthily with sincere prayers, repentance and renewal of our lives. There is no better way for us Christians to prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ other than the authentic spiritual preparation.

As we invest a lot in the outward (secular) preparations, let us also prepare inwardly. Let us prepare ourselves to go to Bethlehem on this spiritual journey to meet the new born baby lying in the manger and pay Him homage.

In today’s gospel, the church gives us the figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as our role model of faith and discipleship. As she welcomed Christ at the very first Christmas, she can also help us too to welcome Him at this particular juncture.

Let us imitate our Mother Mary’s example of faith and absolute humility so that we can bring forth the Word-Made-Flesh in Jesus of Nazareth into our lives, families, businesses, and places of work.

At Christmas day, when we greet and wish each other “Merry Christmas,” let us do so wholeheartedly and meaningfully from the bottom of our hearts and with all the faculties so that Christ’s peace, joy and hope may be complete in us.

Finally but not least, as we set to bid farewell to the year, allow me to take this golden opportunity to thank you all, the parishioners of St. Clare of Assisi, for your unwavering support in the Ministry, Love, Care and Generosity. May God’s choicest Blessings descend upon each of you.