The Sacred Meal in the Life & Ministry of Jesus, pt. 4

09-15-2024Weekly ReflectionReflection from

At the outset of the story, the disciples refused to serve the crowd, preferring to send them away to the neighboring towns to fend for themselves. At the climax of the narrative, the disciples become themselves the instruments of nourishment, setting the loaves and fish before the people. Within the loop of grace, they discovered their mission and were themselves enhanced, transfigured. The little detail at the end of the story—that the leftovers filled twelve wicker baskets—has an eschatological overtone.


The Sacred Meal in the Life & Ministry of Jesus, pt. 3

09-08-2024Weekly ReflectionReflection from

This is just the kind of phony, self-destructive community that Jesus has come to interrupt. And so he responds to this criticism: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick… For I have come to call not the righteous but the sinners.” Here we find a theme that will be developed throughout the tradition—namely, the sacred meal as medicine for the sin-sick soul. In light of Jesus’ observation, we can see that the inclusion of sinners is the very heart and raison d’être of the meal that he hosts. The miracle of the feeding of the thousands with a few loaves and fish must have haunted the imaginations of the early Christian communities, for accounts of it can be found in all four Gospels.


The Sacred Meal in the Life & Ministry of Jesus, pt. 2

09-01-2024Weekly ReflectionReflection from

He was destined to be, not only the host at the sacred banquet, but the meal itself. And to Christ’s manger came the shepherds (evocative of the poor and marginalized, the lost sheep of the house of Israel) and kings (evocative of the nations of the world), drawn there as though by a magnet. Thus commenced the realization of Isaiah’s vision. A story that can be found in all three of the synoptic Gospels is that the conversion of Levi (or Matthew) the tax collector. We hear that as Jesus was passing by, he spotted Matthew at his tax collector’s post.